U-Bahn-Linie 4 (New York City)

Lexington Avenue Express
Verlauf der Linie 4
Spurweite:1435 mm (Normalspur)
BSicon .svgBSicon uKHSTa.svgBSicon .svg
161 Street–Yankee Stadium NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svg
149 Street–Grand Concourse NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg
Harlem River
125 Street NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg
86 Street NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg
59 Street NYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg
51 Street NYCS-bull-trans-E-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg
Grand Central42 Street NYCS-bull-trans-S-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-7-Std.svg
(Übergang zu Grand Central Terminal Metro-North)
14 StreetUnion Square NYCS-bull-trans-L-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg
Broadway-Lafayette Street/Bleecker Street NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-F-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-M-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-6-Std.svg
Canal Street NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-W-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg
Brooklyn BridgeCity Hall (Übergang zu Chambers Street NYCS-bull-trans-J-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-Z-Std.svg)
Fulton Street
Wall Street
Bowling Green NYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg
East River
Borough Hall–Court Street NYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg
Nevins Street
Atlantic Avenue NYCS-bull-trans-B-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-Q-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg
(Übergang zu Atlantic Av/Barclays Ctr/4 AvNYCS-bull-trans-D-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-N-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-R-Std.svg und Atlantic Terminal LIRR)
Franklin Avenue NYCS-bull-trans-2-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svgNYCS-bull-trans-5-Std.svg
(Übergang zu Botanic Garden NYCS-bull-trans-S-Std.svg)
Crown Heights–Utica Avenue NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg
New Lots Avenue NYCS-bull-trans-3-Std.svg
Gezeigt werden ausschließlich Knotenpunkte und Endpunkte.
Fett geschriebene Stationen werden rund um die Uhr bedient.
Kursiv geschriebene Stationen werden nur nachts bedient.[1][2]

Die Linie 4 ist eine U-Bahn-Linie der New York City Subway und führt von Woodlawn in Norwood über die IRT Jerome Avenue Line, IRT Lexington Avenue Line und IRT Eastern Parkway Line nach Crown Heights–Utica Avenue. Da sie auf der Stammstrecke unter der Lexington Avenue verkehrt, trägt sie die Linienkennfarbe Dunkelgrün und wird auch als Lexington Avenue Express bezeichnet.

Die Linie 4 verkehrt tagsüber in Manhattan und Brooklyn als „Express“, der nur an ausgewählten Stationen der Strecke hält. Nachts hingegen halten die Züge der Linie 4 an allen Stationen (außer Hoyt Street) und fahren weiter über die IRT New Lots Line bis New Lots Avenue in East New York, da die Linie 3 (ihre Schwesterlinie in Brooklyn) diesen Abschnitt dann nicht bedient.

Zug der Linie 4 in der Station 161 Street


  1. New York City Subway with bus and railroad connections. (pdf) web.mta.info, abgerufen am 26. März 2015.
  2. MTA/New York City Transit Subway Line Information. web.mta.info, abgerufen am 26. März 2015.


Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Bullet for New York City Subway 4 service, used from 1979-present.
Bullet for the 9 Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the Q Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the proposed T Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the E Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the 7 Local service of the New York City Subway.
MJ Train (1967-1979).svg
Bullet for New York City Subway MJ service, used from 1967-1969.
Bullet for the W Local service of the New York City Subway.
BSicon utHSTACC.svg
Icons for railway description
Bullet for the D Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the M Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the L Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the 5 Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the R Local service of the New York City Subway.
MTA New York City Subway logo.svg
Logo von: New York City Subway – U-Bahn-Netz von New York City
Bullet for the F Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the A Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the C Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the 2 Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the 4 Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the G Local service of the New York City Subway.
BSicon utACC.svg
In tunnel accessible station
Bullet for the 1 Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the Rockaway Park Shuttle service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the 6 Express service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the V Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the B Local service of the New York City Subway.
BSicon uKHSTe.svg
U-Bahn Kopfhaltestelle
Bullet for the 3 Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the 7 Express service of the New York City Subway.
BSicon utLSTR.svg
Icon for railway descriptions
4 train.jpg
Autor/Urheber: The_Legendary_Ranger, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA-3.0
tren 4 del servicio del metro de Nueva York
Bullet for the 6 Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the Z Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the J Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the F Express service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for the N Local service of the New York City Subway.
Bullet for New York City Subway JFK Express service.
NYCS map 4.svg
This is a map showing the New York City Subway's 4 service. It was created with TIGER/Line GIS data (water and boundaries) and my own data (subway lines and stations, traced on TIGER/Line road data). If you would like a copy of the subway data, email me.
Generic bullet for the Shuttle services of the New York City Subway.