Militärische Operationen im Zweiten Weltkrieg

Kriegsschauplatz Europa (inkl. Naher Osten und Nordafrika)




Feldzug gegen Polen („Fall Weiß“)

Sowjetische Besetzung Ostpolens

sowjetisch-finnischer Winterkrieg





Osteuropa Russlandfeldzug („Unternehmen Barbarossa“)




  • Unternehmen Sonnenblume – Entsendung erster deutscher Truppen nach Libyen zur Unterstützung der Italiener.
  • Belagerung von Tobruk – Mehrmonatige und erfolglose Belagerung der libyschen Stadt Tobruk durch die Achsenmächte.
  • Operation Brevity – Erster und gescheiterter Versuch der Alliierten die Belagerung von Tobruk aufzuheben.
    • Unternehmen Skorpion
  • Operation Battleaxe – Zweiter und gescheiterter Versuch der Alliierten die Belagerung von Tobruk aufzuheben.
  • Operation Crusader – Dritter und erfolgreicher Versuch der Alliierten die Belagerung von Tobruk aufzuheben.



  • Sonderstab F – deutsche Militärmission im Irak.
  • Syrisch-Libanesischer Feldzug – Besetzung der unter Kontrolle Vichy-Frankreichs befindlichen französischen Kolonien Libanon und Syrien, durch alliierte Truppen.








Südosteuropa Jugoslawien:



  • Unternehmen Mammut – versuchte Instrumentalisierung der Kurden gegen die britische Herrschaft im Nordirak





Beneluxländer und Deutschland:






Stellungen und Verteidigungslinien



Schlacht im Atlantik



Schwarzes Meer


Indischer Ozean




Deutsches Reich


Frankreich und Benelux






  • Sonderkommando Blaich

Geplante, aber nicht durchgeführte Operationen

Kartografische Darstellung

Für George C. Marshall, den Chief of Staff der US-Army, wurde 1945 ein Atlas produziert, der im zweiwöchigen Abstand den Frontverlauf vom 1. Juli 1943 bis zum 15. August 1945 wiedergab. Sein Titel hieß Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15 1945

Dazu die Legende:
* Weiß: Gebiet der Achsenmächte
* Pink: Gebiet der Alliierten
* Rot: Gebietsgewinne der Alliierten zur vorhergehenden Karte
* Schwarz: Gebietsgewinne der Achsenmächte zur vorhergehenden Karte
* Grau: Neutrale
Europa – Hier einige Beispiele – Asien


Juli, 1.–15.

Dezember, 1.–15.


April, 1.–15.

Juli, 1.–15.

September, 1.–15.

Februar 1945, 1.–15.

Mai 1945, 1.–15.

August 1945, 1.–15.

Siehe auch


Commons: WW2 Battlefront Atlas – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

Map of the front against Japan as of 1 July 1943: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Germany: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Germany: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Neutral nations (Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Andorra)
Under Allied control
Allied advances
Axis advances, or control
Map of the front against Germany: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Foreword and Map details)

Map of the front against Germany: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Germany: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Japan as of 1 Feb 1945: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Japan as of 1 Sep 1944: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Neutral nations (Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, etc.)
Under Allied control
Allied forces
Axis forces
Map of the front against Germany: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Japan as of 1 Aug 1945: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Japan as of 1 July 1944: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Japan as of 1 May 1945: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Japan as of 1 Apr 1944: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Japan as of 1 Dec 1943: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)

Map of the front against Germany: This map is taken from the source "Atlas of the World Battle Fronts in Semimonthly Phases to August 15th 1945: Supplement to The Biennial report of The Chief of Staff of the United States Army

July 1, 1943 to June 30 1945 To the Secretary of War". (See Cover, Forward and Map details)