ISO 7001

ISO 7001
TitelGraphische Symbole - Registrierte Symbole zur Information der Öffentlichkeit
ErstveröffentlichungOktober 1980
Letzte AusgabeFebruar 2023

ISO 7001 ist eine internationale Norm für allgemein verständliche und kulturübergreifende Symbole zur Verwendung im öffentlichen Raum und insbesondere zur Wegweisung. Die aktuelle Fassung wurde im Februar 2023 veröffentlicht.[1]


Die Norm legt 177 Symbole fest, welche auf ihre Verständlichkeit nach ISO 22727 geprüft wurden[2]. Die Verwendung der Symbole wird von der europäischen Norm EN 17210 empfohlen, wobei vorgeschrieben wird, dass die Symbole einen hohen visuellen Kontrast zu ihrem Hintergrund aufweisen müssen[3]. Auch das Merkblatt zur wegweisenden Beschilderung für den Fußgängerverkehr der FGSV empfiehlt die Symbole[4].

Liste der Symbole

Öffentliche Einrichtungen




Tourismus, Kultur und Erholung

Sportliche Aktivitäten


Siehe auch


Commons: ISO 7001 – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien


  1. ISO 7001:2023 Graphical symbols — Registered public information symbols. Abgerufen am 11. Februar 2023 (englisch).
  2. ISO 22727:2007 Graphical symbols — Creation and design of public information symbols — Requirements. Abgerufen am 11. Februar 2023 (englisch).
  3. EN 17210, Nr. 6.6.2 und 6.3.2
  4. Merkblatt zur wegweisenden Beschilderung für den Fußgängerverkehr, Ausgabe 2007, Nr. 4.3

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

ISO Logo (Red square).svg
The current logo of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
ISO 7001 PI PF 033.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 033 Escalator, down; To indicate the location of a public escalator where the direction of travel is down
ISO 7001 PI TF 014.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 014 Parking or car parking; To indicate the location of car parking facilities
ISO 7001 PI CF 009.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 009 Filling station; To indicate the location of fuel for vehicles, boats, etc.
ISO 7001 PI TF 009.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 009 Rent-a-car or car rental/hire; To indicate the location of car rental/hire facilities
ISO 7001 PI CF 022.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 022 Laundry service; To indicate the location of a laundry service or laundry machine.
ISO 7001 PI PF 013.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 013 Baggage lockers or coin lockers; To indicate the location of lockers for the temporary storage of baggage
ISO 7001 PI PF 065.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 065 Recycling – glass; To indicate where glass can be placed for recycling.
ISO 7001 PI PF 007.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 007 Drinking water; To signify drinkable tap water
ISO 7001 PI CF 014.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 014 Newsstand/News Kiosk/Newsagent; To indicate the location of a newsstand/news kiosk/newsagent.
ISO 7001 PI SA 003.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI SA 003 Indoor swimming pool; To indicate the location of a building for public swimming or bathing.
ISO 7001 PI TF 041.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 041 Priority seats for obese people; To indicate priority seats for obese people
ISO 7001 PI TF 011.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 011 Cable car; To indicate the location of cable cars
ISO 7001 PI PF 029.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 029 Way out or exit; To indicate and identify the location of an exit or preferred way to go out
ISO 7001 PI PF 045.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 045 Accessibility, limited walking capability; To indicate accessibility for people with limited walking capability.
ISO 7001 PI PF 057.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 057 Priority access for people with internal medical conditions; To indicate that people with internal medical conditions are given priority access to facilities e.g. lifts.
ISO 7001 PI BP 013.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 013 Open passport and place on scanning device; To instruct a person to open their electronic passport and place it face-down on a scanning device
ISO 7001 PI CF 021.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 021 Dance hall or ballroom; To show the location of a place to dance.
ISO 7001 PI PF 046.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 046 Accessibility, assistance dog; To indicate that an assistance dog is permitted.
ISO 7001 PI TC 013.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 013 Hot spring or hot tub; To show the location of a hot spring suitable for bathing or a hot tub.
ISO 7001 PI TF 033.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 033 Quarantine, people; To indicate the location of people quarantine
ISO 7001 PI PF 075.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 075 Hand dryer; To show the location of a hand dryer.
ISO 7001 PI CF 007.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 007 Pharmacy; To indicate the location of a pharmacy
ISO 7001 PI PF 009.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 009 Lost and found or lost property; To indicate the location of lost and found lost property facilities
ISO 7001 PI PF 011.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 011 Ticket validation; To indicate the location of ticket validation facility
ISO 7001 Direction Sign - Vertical - EN.svg
Diagram showing an ISO 7001 vertically organized direction sign, that has been arranged according to location/arrow direction. Facilities are ordered so top is straight or up, center is left/right and bottom is down. Facilities are also grouped according to if they're left or right of the sign.
ISO 7001 PI TC 009.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 009 Hiking trail; To indicate the location of a track suitable for hiking.
ISO 7001 PI PF 031.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 031 Accessible elevator or lift; To indicate the location of an accessible public elevator/lift
ISO 7001 PI PF 066.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 066 Recycling; To indicate the location of a recycling bin or container.
ISO 7001 PI PF 030.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 030 Direction arrow; To indicate direction of movement of peopleNOTE - Only to be used in conjunction with other symbols.
ISO 7001 PI BP 001.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 001 Quiet please or silence; To indicate areas where silence is required
ISO 7001 PI CF 015.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 015 Barber or hair salon; To show the location of a barber or hair salon
ISO 7001 PI TF 002.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 002 Railway station or railways or trains; To indicate the location of trains
ISO 7001 PI PF 005.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 005 Toilets - female; To indicate the location of a public toilet for females
ISO 7001 PI PF 025.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 025 Shower; To indicate the location of public shower facilities
ISO 7001 PI TC 008.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 008 Natural area with public access; To indicate the location of a natural area for recreation and outdoor life for the public.
ISO 7001 PI SA 001.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI SA 001 Sporting activities or general sports; To indicate the location of an area or place set aside for a variety of sporting activities
ISO 7001 PI TC 014.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 014 Audio tour; To indicate where audio tour equipment is available for the public.
ISO 7001 PI CF 018.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 018 Wireless LAN; To indicate the presence of a wireless network service through which you can be connected to the internet or go online.
ISO 7001 PI TF 031.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 031 Quarantine; To indicate the location of quarantine
ISO 7001 PI TF 012.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 012 Funicular or cable railway; To indicate the location of a funicular or cable railway
ISO 7001 PI PF 019.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 019 Elevator or lift; To indicate the location of a public elevator/lift
ISO 7001 PI TF 028.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 028 Transportation centre; To indicate the location of a facility where co-ordinated interchange between different forms of transport is provided.
ISO 7001 PI PF 024.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 024 Cloakroom; To indicate the location of cloakroom facilities
ISO 7001 PI PF 002.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 002 Hospital; To indicate the location of a hospital
ISO 7001 PI PF 070.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 070 Embassy; To indicate the location of embassy.
ISO 7001 PI CF 010.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 010 Conference facilities or meeting room; To indicate the availability of conference facilities or meeting rooms
ISO 7001 PI PF 044.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 044 Health care centre or doctor; To indicate the location of a facility where health care is offered.
ISO 7001 PI PF 056.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 056 Priority access for injured people; To indicate that injured people are given priority access to facilities e.g. lifts.
ISO 7001 PI PF 026.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 026 Bath; To indicate the location of baths for the use of the public
ISO 7001 PI TF 044.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 044 Electric vehicle charging station or point; To indicate the location of electric vehicle charging station or point.
ISO 7001 PI PF 076.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 076 Toilet paper; To show the location of toilet paper.
ISO 7001 PI PF 063.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 063 Recycling – cans; To indicate where cans can be placed for recycling.
ISO 7001 PI TF 039.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 039 Bus disembarkation; To indicate the location of bus disembarkation
ISO 7001 PI TF 016.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 016 Flight arrivals; To indicate the location of flight arrivals
ISO 7001 PI SA 004.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI SA 004 Sports hall; To indicate the location of a facility for indoor sports.
ISO 7001 PI PF 018.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 018 Baggage trolleys or carts; To indicate the location of baggage trolleys or carts for public use
ISO 7001 PI TC 018.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 018 Planetarium; To indicate the location of a planetarium
ISO 7001 PI TF 015.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 015 Flight departures; To indicate the location of flight departures
ISO 7001 PI BP 011.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 011 Manual passport control; To instruct a person to go to manual passport control (the electronic passport system having been unsuccessful).
ISO 7001 PI TF 026.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 026 Priority seats for expecting mothers; To indicate priority seats for expecting mothers.
ISO 7001 PI TF 003.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 003 Underground or metro railway station or trains; To indicate the location of underground or metro trains
ISO 7001 PI PF 080.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 080 Pedestrian overpass or footbridge; To show the location of a pedestrian overpass or footbridge.
ISO 7001 PI TF 032.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 032 Quarantine, animal; To indicate the location of animal quarantine
ISO 7001 PI CF 017.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 017 Car repair workshop; To show the location of a car repair workshop.
ISO 7001 PI PF 043.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 043 Dentist; To indicate the location of a clinical facility for the treatment of teeth and gums.
ISO 7001 PI TC 003.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 003 Caravan park or caravans; To indicate the location of public caravan facilities
ISO 7001 PI TC 001.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 001 Viewpoint or panorama; To indicate the location of public viewing point
ISO 7001 PI PF 027.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 027 Trash box or litter bin or rubbish bin; To indicate a receptacle for the acceptance of trash or litter or rubbish being thrown away
ISO 7001 PI TF 040.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 040 Bus embarkation; To indicate the location of bus embarkation
ISO 7001 PI PF 050.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 050 Vegetarian food; To indicate where vegetarian food is available.
ISO 7001 PI PF 008.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 008 Check-in or reception; To indicate the location of check-in or reception facility
ISO 7001 PI PF 015.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 015 Smoking area or smoking allowed; To signify where smoking is allowed
ISO 7001 PI TF 024.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 024 Priority seats for people with internal medical conditions; To indicate priority seats for people with internal medical conditions.
ISO 7001 PI TF 010.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 010 Bicycle or cycle facility; To indicate the location of cycle facilities
ISO 7001 PI PF 014.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 014 Lounge or waiting area; To indicate the location of areas where people may wait
ISO 7001 PI CF 004.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 004 To indicate the location of currency exchange facilities; Money/currency exchange or bureau-de-change
ISO 7001 PI PF 032.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 032 Moving walkway; To indicate the location of a public moving walkway
ISO 7001 PI BP 007.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 007 Take off your shoes; To request those entering to remove their shoes.
ISO 28564 Map - Showing Locations of Facilities and Users.svg
Autor/Urheber: , Lizenz: CC BY-SA 2.0
A mock map for describing ISO 28564-1 - Public Information Guidance Systems design principals. This map is designed to to depict the location of users as well as the types and locations of various facilities. This map is of a fictionalized location, and should not be used for navigation.
ISO 7001 PI BP 016.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 016 Wait; To instruct persons to wait while the biometric identity system is processing their information
ISO 7001 PI PF 006.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 006 Full accessibility or toilets - accessible; To indicate routes and facilities with full accessibility (including the location of an accessible toilet)
ISO 7001 PI TC 006.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 006 Park - recreational; To indicate the location of a public park available for recreational purposes
ISO 7001 PI BP 005.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 005 Line up or queue in threes; To indicate the necessity to queue in lines of three for access to facilities
ISO 7001 PI PF 049.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 049 Accessibility, vision impaired; To indicate facilities where there are special provisions for people with vision impairments.
ISO 7001 PI CF 011.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 011 Internet café; To indicate the location of a facility with access to computers with internet connection and where refreshments may be provided.
ISO 7001 PI PF 034.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 034 Escalator, up; To indicate the location of a public escalator where the direction of travel is up
ISO 7001 PI TF 029.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 029 Rental bicycle; To indicate the presence of a facility providing rental or shared bicycles
ISO 7001 PI PF 082.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 082 Recycling – plastics; To indicate where plastic containers can be placed for recycling.
ISO 7001 PI BP 009.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 009 Biometric facial recognition facility; To indicate the location of a biometric facial recognition facility
ISO 7001 PI BP 019.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 019 Proceed forward; To instruct persons to move forward
ISO 7001 PI CF 006.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 006 Shops or shopping; To indicate the location of shopping facilities
ISO 7001 PI TF 001.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 001 Airport or aircraft; To indicate the location of an airport or aircraft
ISO 7001 PI TF 022.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 022 Priority seats for elderly people; To indicate priority seats for elderly people.
ISO 7001 PI TF 035.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 035 Water taxi stop or water taxis; To indicate the location of water taxis.
ISO 7001 Direction Sign - Layout Diagram - EN.svg
Diagram showing an ISO 7001 vertically organized direction sign, showing how to align, size and arrange elements of a sign, such as arrows, symbols and text messages and white spaces.
ISO 7001 PI TF 036.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 036 Self-contained camper van; Indicates areas where only certified self-contained camper vans can be parked overnight for camping
ISO 7001 PI PF 055.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 055 Priority access for elderly people; To indicate that elderly people are given priority access to facilities e.g. lifts.
ISO 7001 Direction Sign - Text Arrangement Diagram.svg
Diagram showing an ISO 7001 direction sign with the text message on two lines, showing the interaction of ascenders and descenders of the words. If spaced improperly, the ascenders and descenders can overlap with each other.

On the diagram - The following numbers relate to:
1. Ascender height
2. Descender height

3. The gap needed to avoid overlap.
ISO 7001 PI TF 017.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 017 Flight connections; To indicate route and locations for persons making connections between flights
ISO 7001 PI TC 015.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 015 ISO 7001 PI TC 015 Indoor play area; To indicate the location of a facility where children can play indoors.
ISO 7001 PI PF 077.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 077 Drinking water fountain; To show the location of a drinking water fountain.
ISO 7001 PI BP 006.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 006 Dogs should be carried; To indicate that dogs should be carried.
ISO 7001 PI PF 022.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 022 Slope or ramped access; To indicate the location of access facilities via a slope or ramp
ISO 7001 PI PF 047.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 047 Accessibility, personal assistant available; To indicate the availability of a personal assistant for people with functional impairments.
ISO 7001 PI CF 012.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 012 Foot care or podiatry; Indicates the location of a facility where foot care or podiatry is offered.
ISO 7001 PI TF 042.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 042 Meeting point; To indicate a designated place for people to meet.
ISO 7001 PI PF 072.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 072 Loop for the hearing impaired; To show the location of a loop for the hearing impaired
ISO 7001 PI TF 007.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 007 Tram or streetcar stop or trams or streetcars; To indicate the location of trams/streetcars
ISO 7001 PI TF 004.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 004 Port or ships or ferries or boats; To indicate the location of shipping services
ISO 7001 - Contrast Example.svg
A diagram showing ISO 7001 symbols for 'accessible lift' and 'directional arrow', with diffrent coloured backgrounds & symbols, to illustrate proper contrast between symbols, signage backgrounds and the environment.
This just shows two possible options, ISO 7001 does not specify the use of a white or black/dark gray background or symbols.
ISO 7001 PI BP 018.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 018 Single person; To instruct persons to enter the facility one at a time
ISO 7001 PI PF 078.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 078 Elevator for goods; To show the location of an elevator or lift for goods.
ISO 7001 PI TC 012.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 012 Wetland reserve; To indicate the location of a wetland reserve.
ISO 7001 PI PF 023.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 023 Nursery or baby care; To indicate the location of baby care facilities
ISO 7001 PI TF 030.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 030 Baggage weighing; To indicate the location of baggage weighing
ISO 7001 PI SA 002.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI SA 002 Stadium; To indicate the location of a sports stadium
ISO 7001 PI PF 028.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 028 Way in or entrance; To indicate and identify the location of an entry point or preferred way to enter
ISO 7001 PI CF 020.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 020 Snack machine; To indicate the location of snack machines
ISO 7001 PI TF 038.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 038 Animal transportation; To indicate the location of animal transportation facilities
ISO 7001 PI PF 074.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 074 Automatic sensor faucet or tap; To show the location of automatic sensor faucet or tap.
ISO 7001 PI CF 003.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 003 Hotel or accomodation; To indicate the location of accommodation facilities
ISO 7001 PI TF 025.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 025 Priority seats for people with small children; To indicate priority seats for people with small children.
ISO 7001 PI TF 023.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 023 Priority seats for injured people; To indicate priority seats for injured people.
ISO 7001 PI CF 005.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 005 Cash service or cash dispenser or ATM (automatic teller machine); To indicate the location of an automatic machine for dispensing bank notes
ISO 7001 PI CF 008.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 008 Bar; To indicate the location of a licensed bar
ISO 7001 PI PF 020.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 020 Escalator; To indicate the location of a public escalator
ISO 7001 PI PF 037.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 037 Library; Indicates the location of a facility where the public can borrow books
ISO 7001 PI BP 008.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 008 Surveillance camera; To indicate the location of surveillance camera.
ISO 7001 PI TC 011.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 011 Bird sanctuary; To indicate the location of a bird sanctuary.
ISO 7001 PI PF 010.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 010 Tickets or ticket sales; To indicate the location of a facility where tickets may be obtained
ISO 7001 PI PF 021.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 021 Stairs; To indicate the location of stairs
ISO 7001 PI PF 048.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 048 Accessibility, hard of hearing; To indicate facilities where there are special provisions for the hard of hearing.
ISO 7001 PI PF 036.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 036 Child health care centre; To indicate the location of a facility where non-emergency child health care is provided.
ISO 7001 PI PF 004.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 004 Toilets - male; To indicate the location of a public toilet for males
ISO 7001 PI TC 016.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 016 Packed lunch room; To indicate the location of an under-cover facility where people may consume their own food and drink.
ISO 7001 PI BP 015.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 015 No headwear; To instruct persons to remove their headwear for photographic imaging
ISO 7001 PI PF 003.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 003 Toilets - unisex; To indicate the location of a public toilet for males or females
ISO 7001 PI PF 059.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 059 Priority access for expecting mothers; To indicate that expecting mothers are given priority access to facilities e.g. lifts.
ISO 7001 PI TF 008.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 008 Taxi stop or taxis; To indicate the location of taxis
ISO 7001 PI PF 017.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 017 Telephone; To indicate the location of public telephone facilities
ISO 7001 PI TF 021.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 021 Bicycle or cycle parking; To indicate the location of cycle parking facilities
ISO 7001 PI PF 064.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 064 Recycling – magnetic type of steel; To indicate where magnetic types of steel can be placed for recycling.
ISO 7001 PI TF 043.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 043 Tour group meeting point; To indicate a place for tourists or tour groups to gather.
ISO 7001 PI PF 068.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 068 Baggage delivery; To indicate a place where baggage can be deposited for transport and delivery or collected after transport and delivery.
ISO 7001 PI TC 005.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 005 Play area; To indicate the location of a public play area for children
ISO 7001 PI PF 079.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 079 Men’s changing room; To show the location of a men's changing room.
ISO 7001 PI PF 062.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 062 Communication in the specified language; To indicate that a specified language (e.g. Spanish) can be used for communication at this location.
ISO 7001 PI TC 002.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 002 Campsite or camping; To indicate the location of public camping facilities
ISO 7001 PI BP 004.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 004 Line up or queue in twos; To indicate the necessity to queue in lines of two for access to facilitie
ISO 7001 PI TC 010.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 010 Location for campfires; To indicate a location where campfires may be lit.
ISO 7001 PI TF 037.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 037 Security check; To show the location of a security check gate.
ISO 7001 PI TF 013.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 013 Chair lift; To indicate the location of lifts
ISO 7001 PI TF 005.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 005 Heliport or helicopters; To indicate the location of helicopters
ISO 7001 PI TF 027.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 027 Airport bus; To show the location of an airport bus.
ISO 7001 PI BP 014.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 014 Do not smile; To instruct a person not to smile and to remain “straight faced” for photographic imaging
ISO 7001 PI BP 012.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 012 Move hair; To instruct a person to move hair away from their face and eyes for photographic imaging. Was probably more relevant when there where lots of Emos around.
ISO 7001 PI PF 051.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 051 Accessibility, blind or low vision; To indicate facilities accessible to people who are blind or have low vision.
ISO 7001 PI PF 016.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 016 Post or Post office or mail box; To indicate the location of post or mail facilities
ISO 7001 PI TC 004.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 004 Picnic area; To indicate the location of facilities for picnics
ISO 7001 PI CF 002.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 002 Refreshments - coffee shop or café or buffet; To indicate the location of general refreshment facilities
ISO 7001 PI CF 016.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 016 Cinema; To show the location of a cinema.
ISO 7001 PI TF 006.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 006 Bus station or bus stop or buses, To indicate the location of buses
ISO 7001 PI TF 018.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 018 Customs or baggage check; To indictae the location of customs or baggage checking point
ISO 7001 PI CF 001.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 001 Restaurant; To indicate the location of restaurant facilities
ISO 7001 PI BP 002.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 002 Stand on the left (or right); To indicate the necessity to stand on the left (or right as required) to allow others to pass
ISO 7001 PI BP 003.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 003 Line up or queue in single file; To indicate the necessity to queue in single file for access to facility
ISO 7001 PI CF 019.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI CF 019 Shoeshine; To indicate the location of shoeshine facilities
ISO 7001 PI TC 017.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 017 Beach ; To indicate the location of beach.
ISO 7001 PI PF 069.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 069 Baggage assistant; To indicate the location of a baggage assistant.
ISO 7001 PI PF 073.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 073 Priority facilities for obese people; To indicate priority facilities for obese people
ISO 7001 PI PF 081.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 081 Women’s changing room; To show the location of a women's changing room.
ISO 7001 PI PF 058.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 058 Priority access for people with small children; To indicate that people with small children are given priority access to facilities e.g. lifts.
ISO 7001 PI TF 034.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 034 Quarantine, plant; To indicate the location of plant quarantine
ISO 7001 PI PF 012.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 012 Baggage storage or left baggage; To indicate the location of facility for the temporary storage of baggage
ISO 7001 PI BP 010.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 010 Look to a point; To Instruct a person to look directly at a camera (which may not be visible) for facial recognition and comparison with a pre-recorded image
ISO 7001 PI PF 001.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 001 Information; To indicate where information is to be obtained
ISO 7001 PI PF 054.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 054 Museum; To indicate the location of a museum.
ISO 7001 PI BP 017.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI BP 017 No sunglasses; To instruct persons to remove sunglasses for photographic imaging
ISO 7001 PI TF 020.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 020 Baggage reclaim; To indicate the location of baggage reclaim point
ISO 7001 PI TC 007.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TC 007 Zoo; To indicate the location of a public zoo
ISO 7001 PI TF 019.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI TF 019 Immigration or passport control/ inspection; To indicate the location of immigration or passport control point
ISO 7001 PI PF 067.svg
Autor/Urheber: Clemenspool, Lizenz: CC0
ISO 7001 PI PF 067 Pedestrian underpass; To show the location of a pedestrian underpass.