General Louis Botha (6282413691)

IWM Collections from London/Duxford/Manchester, United Kingdom
625 x 800 Pixel (46881 Bytes)

Prime Minister of South Africa 1910-19

Born in Natal in 1862, Louis Botha first came to prominence in South African politics when he helped launch the New Republic Vryheid district of Zululand.

During the Second Anglo-Boer War, Botha enlisted and rose rapidly to the rank of general, taking command of all Boer forces in 1900.

After the Vereeniging Peace Treaty, Botha returned to politics and, through his party Het Volk, advocated self goverment for South Africa. In 1907, he was appointed Prime Minister of the Transvaal before becoming the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa in 1910.

On the outbreak of the First World War, Botha offered South Africa's support to Britain and undertook to lead the successful campaign to take the German colony of South West Africa.

Botha's consistent support for Britain during the First World War weakened his political position and led to unrest in South Africa.

After unsuccessfully bidding for former German South West Africa to be incorporated in the Union of South Africa at the Versailles Peace Conference, Botha's health gave way. He died of pneumonia in August 1919.

Faces of the First World War

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General Louis Botha

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