Two-nat.Rep 1386-1434

Poznaniak (original image)
Spiridon Ion Cepleanu (derivative work)
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Map of Poland, Lithuania & neighbourough 1386-1434. Graphic derivative map since but English version and without the 5 mistakes of the original map (impossible to be corrected because the first uploader reverts the new versions) : 1)- Moldavia wasn't a province or a fief (lenno in polish) of the Polish kingdom, but a principality, vassal of Poland from 1387 to 1455, from 1597 to 1616 & from 1615 to 1623 : the Moldavian prince were not a Polish sir appointed by the polish King but a Moldavian boyard elected by the Moldavian Sfat ; 2)- The name Hospodar for the Moldavian princes aren’t in use before the XVIth century ; 3)- In this time Kilja was on the south side of Chilia arm (today Chilia Veche in Romania, not the new Kilija in Ukraine) ; 4)- Danube delta was moldavian till 1484 and the shoreline was different in 1400 ; 5)- Akkerman is not another town but the turkish name (given since 1484) of Bialgorod also named in this time Cetatea-Alba & Montecastro. Sources: Hans-Erich Stier (dir.) "Grosser Atlas zur Weltgeschichte", Ed. Westermann 1985, ISBN 3-14-100919-8, "Történelmi atlasz", Magyar Academy 1991, ISBN 963-351422-3 CM, "Atlas istorico-geografic", Ed. Academica 1994, ISBN 973-27-0500-0, Constantin C. Giurescu & Dinu C. Giurescu :" History of the Romanian lands", Ed. Academica 1985, p.209-210, N. P. Comneanu: "Les principautés roumaines à travers les âges", Ed. Payot, Paris 1919 and Lucian Predescu: "Enciclopedia Cugetarea", p.562-563.
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