Abell 78

Planetarischer Nebel
Abell 78
Äquinoktium: J2000.0
Rektaszension21h 35m 29,4s [1]
Deklination+31° 41′ 45″[1]
BezeichnungWD 2114+239 
Scheinbare Helligkeit13,1 mag 
Physikalische Daten
Entfernung5550 ± 260 Lj 
 PK 081-14 1 • PN A66 78

Abell 78 ist ein planetarischer Nebel im Sternbild Schwan. Der Nebel ist etwa 5.500 Lichtjahre von der Erde entfernt.


  • König, Michael & Binnewies, Stefan (2023): Bildatlas der Sternhaufen & Nebel, Stuttgart: Kosmos, S. 193


  1. Simbad

Auf dieser Seite verwendete Medien

PN A66 78 (Abell 78).png
Autor/Urheber: Judy Schmidt from USA, Lizenz: CC BY 2.0

Not one of HST's favored children, this planetary nebula is not available in enough filters to create a color image. I went ahead and gave it a fictitious color palette, and although the color is fake, it is not entirely unrealistic. The nebula emits strongly in [O III], giving it a greenish cyan coloration. The central stars of planetary nebulas tend to be blue, while other stars are comparatively yellow or red.

Many of the details are rather faint, especially the hazy outer shell, but I think it is a very beautiful object. Most planetary nebulas are. This one is said to be "born again" as it experienced some kind of secondary event after its initial formation, leading to some extra ejected material.

Data from the following proposal were used to create this image: Witnessing the Expansion of Hydrogen-Poor Ejecta in Born-Again Planetary Nebulae

All channels: WFC3/UVIS F502N

North is 64.36° counter-clockwise from up.