Braarudosphaera bigelowii
Kyoko Hagino, Ryo Onuma, Masanobu Kawachi, Takeo Horiguchi
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(A) SEM image of a cell of B. bigelowii surrounded by 12 pentaliths (offshore Tomari, 17th June 2012). A pentalith (calcareous scale of the Braarudosphaeraceae) indicated by the blue open pentagon consists of five trapezoidal segments. Black arrow indicates "side length of the pentalith" where the measurements were conducted. (B) SEM image of pentalith of B. bigelowii (proximal side) (offshore Tomari, 17th June 2012). (C) Close up of proximal side of a pentalith (Fig. 1B) showing laminar structure. (D) – (F) light microscope images of specimens
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