Der folgende Artikel ist ein Satire-Artikel. Es kann sein, dass er nicht ganz ernst gemeinte Aussagen enthält. Es kann aber auch sein, dass der Artikel irgendeine tiefgründige Botschaft vermitteln möchte.
Denglisch ist die Amtssprache des Kinderlandes. Sie entstand irgendwann Ende des 20ten Jahrhunderts in Deutschland. Gesprochen wird sie von der Gattung der Hauptschüler ohne nennenswerte Kenntnisse (HONK) und von allen Kinderländern.
Wichtige Vertreter sind aber auch einige Lehrer der Moderne, die durch gekonntes Einsetzten von "Denglischsätzen" ihren Unterricht auflockern. Hierbei sollten sie jedoch darauf achten, ihr Können nicht in der kritischen Nähe ihrer Kollegen aus dem Fach Englisch zu zeigen. Zur Zeit sind leider noch keine ausreichenden Untersuchungen durchgeführt worden, wie diese auf die "Verdeutschung" ihrer liebsten Sprache reagieren. Gelegentlich soll es schon zu erheblichen Unruhen innerhalb des Kollegiums geführt haben, die größte Gefahr besteht allerdings darin, dass die sogenannten Englischlehrer sich an den neuen Trend gewöhnen und so die Zukunft der Elite gefährden.
Einige Grundlagen der Denglischsprache
Die Grundregel lautet: One To One Overseating.
Jedes Wort wird eins zu eins aus der deutschen in die englische Sprache übersetzt. Hierbei ist es von besonderer Bedeutung, die deutsche Satzstellung eisern beizubehalten und sich gleichzeitig von den normalen englischen Wörtern loszulösen. Hier ist Fantasie gefragt! Es hat sich dabei als sinnvoll erwiesen, gelegentlich auf die wörtliche Übersetzung eines Wortes zu verzichten und stattdessen ein Wort zu wählen, das ähnlich klingt, aber etwas gänzlich anderes bedeutet.
Ein wichtiger Denglist sagte einmal: „Je falscher es klingt, umso besser es ist!“ Dies bringt leider mit sich, dass besonders intelligente Menschen mit dieser Sprache nicht zurechtkommen, da sie zu kompliziert denken und nicht dazu in der Lage sind, sich auf eine einfachere Ebene zu begeben.
English for Runaways - Englisch für Fortgeschrittene
- Now butter by the fishes
- No one can reach me the water
- That goes you nothing on!
- Write it you better behind the ears!
- What a great outview!
- Now we've got the salad.
- That is not the speech worth.
- That is the hammer!
- I please you!
- Please let me outtalk!
- ...not the bean!
- What for a monkey heat!
- Let the church in the village
- That find I also
- I see black
- Until equal
- Make the window to - it pulls!
- He made himself – me nothing – you nothing – out of the dust
- That comes overhead not in the bag
- That's a devilscircle
- I believe I spider
- I have the nose full
- There are you on the woodway
- My dear Mister Singing-Club
- My English makes me so fast nobody after
- Equal goes it loose
- You have not all cups in the cupboard
- You have a wheel off
- Cut you a cycle down
- You are heavy on wire
- I believe my pig pipes.
- I get my Gostop over meadows
- Make place
- One-wall-free
- Geo-Three-Corner
- Sleep-on-train
- Water chicken
- There becomes yes the dog in the pan crazy
- much easy
- I break together
- Holla the forest fairy
- That was for the feet
- I hold it in my head not out
- Look me not so strange on
- You are piping at the last hole
- Sponge over
- How much o'clock is it?
- My father has a circle-run-together-break
- Silence in the box
- Snow of yesterday
- That was all for the ass
- That interests me overmain not
- Me stand the hairs to mountain when I all that here read
- This strikes the jar the bottom off
- I pull me my sleep-on-train on
- Want we not early-piecen
- Hero of the strawberry field
- That is jacket as trousers
- You can give me one out
- I understand only railroad station
- Earthonpullingpower
- I belive me kicks a horse
- Lettercomplainer
- Hold your mouth
- Me meets the hit!
- That makes me nobody so fast after
- Comes time comes bike
- If he thinks he can beat me over the ear, he is on the wood way.
- I wish you what
- I swear it high and holy
- You go me so the-measure on the pointer!
- That was a shot in the oven
- That was a Grip in the toilet
- You have yes not all cups in the cupboard!
- That goes you a moist dirt on!
- Can I a worst case bread have?
- Always slowly with the young horses!
- That is in order
- That is me so what from sausage.
- It has beaten 10 o'clock
- It beats now soon thirteen!
- You have a jump in the dish!
- That's the springing point!
- Shit the wall on
- You can say you to me
- You can me the back down slide.
- Have you the ass open?
- One-rail-road
- I nearly had a circleruntogetherbreak.
- The fly-stuff has landed at the fly-harbour
- You can drive your carre at the car railroad.
- Tonight we let the female pig out.
- I enjoy myself like a schnitzel.
- I am fit as a running shoe.
- Heaven, ass and thread!
- Hans-look-in-the-air
- Me runs the water in the mouth together
- My uncle has go-home-hint corners on his head.
- The far-breaker committed land peace break.
- My sister wants to shark-guess her boyfriend.
- Almost-Essen-Restaurant
- You go me on the cookie.
- How goes it you? - Thanks, it walks so.
- But hello friend bubble
- I'll bring you around the corner!
- Take the next car-train-up-drive!
- Go and hollow a In-buy-car! We have to buy butter at the live-medium-load!
- They stick under one blanket.
- Three-Cheese-High
- Nine-Times-Smart
- Throw we us over the houses
- If you go me on my nerves i put you in the gully, do the deckel druff so you come never back to the daylight
- How you me so i you!
- Equal goes it loose.
- It goes wider
- What you not want that man you do, that add no one other!
- Don't stand me inside the way!
- She/he is sorry
- Ashammed you what
- In this fall i think that
- I have no lust more
- It gives
- If already then already
- Me goes a light open
- He has a lot on the case
- Back train
- Hecounter
- The street is full hitholes
- Suger bread and whip
- To let one drive
- What says the watch
- That makes me foxdevilswild!
- Peace, joy, pancakes
- With him is not good cherrys eaten.
- Who others a hole digs, drops self in
- My English is not the yellow of the egg, but it goes.
- This isch jetzt ned important.
- Please beauty!
- I sit complete nice in the clip!
- I war my go stop over meadows.
- Don't tell me something from the horse!
- So looks it out, and not different!
- I have today early partyevening
- I am so what from ready
- There laugh yes the chickens!
- I think it chops
- There are flying yes the holes out of the cheese
- Verflixed and close-ge-seamed!
- [sexual] To wave yourself one of the palm
- There have I but pig had
- Bicycle Errection
- Believe replaces mountains
- To push on the tear gland
- The trainbirds fly in the south!
- That is future music!
- There is no back anymore!
- Can I me a couple Swaghetti Yolognese from the desk taken, please?
- Now you're looking silly out of the laundry
- Friendship Circle
- High the hands - Weekends
- Before-hanging-castle
- can you me to hand go?
- I feel me like through the stream pulled.
- Your English is under all pig!
- I believe, my pig is whistling!
- Flat tire contract
- What for one week sense!
- It goes so
- Hear me open
- How horny is that then
- way throw society
- now is the shit at fuming
- That interests yes the gas man
- Therewith can you no one behind the oven before locks
- I have my motor wheel leader shine with seventeen made
- Thatover should we us afterwards again underhold
Sprachen, die die Welt nicht braucht:
Языки, которые никому не нужны на этом мире: