Wreck of the runaway engine N° 33 that killed 14 persons and injured hundreds more at Chaupichaca Bridge on 8 February 1909 when in crashed into a repair train on the bridge

Article in Peru To-Day, Lima, March 1909
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Wreck of the runaway engine N° 33 that killed 14 persons and injured hundreds more at Chaupichaca Bridge on 8 February 1909 when in crashed into a repair train on the bridge precipitating everything into the foaming river below. A party of American officers from the Pacific fleet had a narrow escape.
The Chaupichaca Bridge on Meiggs's famous Central Railway of Peru, was nicknamed "railway in the clouds" partly collapsed on 8 February 1909 killing several American bridge builders, employees of the American Bridge Company and a number of natives.
Public domain
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