Wassermühle Schloss Rüppurr - 3
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Wassermühle Schloss Rüppurr – Water mill of the Rüppurr castle, once assigned to the Rüppurr castle complex (see dairy Rastatter Straße 17), first mentioned in 1594, in 1679 it had two grinding mills and a tanning mill, since 1771 it has probably been a fulling and hemp mill, at that time renovations were made around the same time as the construction of the bridge below (identical Stonemason's mark, cf. Mühlwiesenweg), later sawmill, owned by the city of Karlsruhe in 1914 (modernization), grain mill again from 1923 to 1959, now residential use, associated mill canal, weir recently changed, part of the mill converted into an apartment in 2002/03, here roof and floor construction of the late 19th century.
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