Vector Video Standards8
Das Bild ist mit 'Attribution Required' markiert, aber es wurden keine Informationen über die Attribution bereitgestellt. Vermutlich wurde bei Verwendung des MediaWiki-Templates für die CC-BY Lizenzen der Parameter für die Attribution weggelassen. Autoren und Urheber finden für die korrekte Verwendung der Templates hier ein Beispiel.
8204 x 4332 Pixel (30274 Bytes)
- For more details and citations see Graphics display resolution – Overview
- This file is only for the most common display resolutions and standards.
- The 16:10 aspect ratio is equal to 8/5.
- 21:9 (equal to 7/3 or ≈2.33:1) display aspect ratio is only approached: 5K Ultrawide (5120 × 2160) is the "base" of this line which is ≈2.370:1. So UWQHD (3440 × 1440) with ≈2.389:1 is also only 21:9 approached.
- 17:9 (≈1.889:1) display aspect ratio is also only approached: 8K Full Format (8192 × 4320) is the "base" of this line which is ≈1.896:1.
(Old) edit summary:
- This is an update to Vector Video Standards4.svg to resize the file for newer and wider displays. I added resolutions UWHD (2560×1080), 4K and UHD-1. A short-coming is the disclaimer text for the 2K probably applies to the 4K. I did not add EGA (640 × 350?) – as someone requested in the talk page.
Note about the svg:
This svg-file has a clean source code and is intended to be modified with text editors!.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
GNU Free Documentation License
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