USAF Lucky Lady II

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The U.S. Air Force Boeing B-50A-5-BO Superfortress (s/n 46-010) which made the first non-stop flight around the world in 1949. The aircraft was named "Lucky Lady II" and was assigned to the 43rd Bomb Group. It took off from Carswell Air Force, Texas (USA) on 26 February 1949 with a crew of 14 under Captain James Gallagher. The aircraft was refueled four times in the air by Boeing KB-29 Superfortress tankers of the 43rd Air Refueling Squadron, over the Azores, Saudi-Arabia, the Philippines and Hawaii. The flight lasted 94 hours and 1 minute and was completed on 2 March. The aircraft flew a distance of 37,743 km at an average speed of 398 km/h. Note: This aircraft is a United States Air Force 1948 fiscal year Boeing B-50D and despite image caption has nothing to do with Lucky Lady II.
Public domain
U.S. Air Force photo 040303-F-9999G-001
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