The railroad and engineering journal (1887) (14735367586)

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Identifier: railroadengineer62newy (find matches)
Title: The railroad and engineering journal
Year: 1887 (1880s)
Subjects: Railroad engineering Engineering Railroads
Publisher: New York : M.N. Forney
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation

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the plan and conditions of a system of sewers.The fact is, that the amount of water coming from water-closets is relatively smaller in comparison to the total dis-charge bv which the capacity of the work must be fixed ;and, as to the measures taken to secure a regular fiow andto prevent deposits, the existence of foul water whichusually becomes a source of disease would be sufficient,either with or without the admission of water for flushingthe sewers, to render such precaution altogether indis-pensable, even where no water-closets exist. An eminent English engineer, Mr. Lindley, who has de-signed some important works of this kind in Germany,having been asked by the authorities of Eberfeld to pre-sent two plans for sewerage of that city, one with and theother without the admission of water from closets, an-swered, with good reason, that a single plan would be suffi-cient, because the system of sewers would be the same ineither case. (TO BE CONTINUED.) 210 THE RAILROAD AND (May, 1888.
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<O n O o o H Ug 2< m p (/; H■Juu.Zw Q a:oz bl Vol. LXII, No. 5.) ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 211 The Nordenfelt Submarine Torpedo Boat. (From the London Ki:gii:e€r.) The accompanying illustrations show the Nordenfeltsubmarine boat, No. 4, which was tried in the pres-ence of Government officials and foreign attaches at South-ampton on December 19 last. The form is entirely changedfrom the cigai or double conical shape of the precedingpatterns. The cross-section midships is now an exactcircle, which closes as it moves toward bows and stern,passing through a double ogival or Gothic arch, which nar-rows more and more until it ends in a vertical line lormingeach actual end of the boat. This form does not cause theboat to be subject to the same eccentric and dangerouseffects as were produced with the cigar shape, notably insuddenly stopping, as has been found necessary for fear offouling some vessel, as occurred in the trial in theBosphorus. The cupolas or conning towers shownfurnish the

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