Sticerom 4
(c) Joe Mabel, CC BY-SA 3.0
2592 x 1944 Pixel (852180 Bytes)
Curtea Sticlarilor (Glassmakers' Court) next to the ruins of the Curtea Veche (Old Court), Bucharest, Romania, now housing several glassmakers' studios, hence the name; one of these studios is Sticerom (sticle = "glass", Rom short for "Romania"). I had long been under the impression that this was an inn, but a Bucharestean correspondent says that the building was actually part of the Old Court, the "Palatul Doamnei şi Coconilor" ("The Palace of the Ladies and Lads"), built by Prince Ştefan Cantacuzino in 1714-1716. At that time the Curtea Veche would have comprised much of what is now the Lipscani district.
Kommentar zur Lizenz:
GFDL, from the photographer
photo by Joe Mabel
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