Stereocilia of frog inner ear.01

Bechara Kachar
438 x 311 Pixel (39393 Bytes)
High-resolution micrograph of beautifully delicate, staircase-shaped structures of the inner ear, called stereocilia, has graced the covers of many high-profile scientific journals. Stereocilia are miniscule hair-like protrusions on the surface of sensory cells (also called hair cells) found deep within the cochlear and labyrinth structures of the inner ear. They serve as the key mechanosensors, responding to fluid motion for various functions, including hearing and balance. Emphasizing how sensitive these structures are, Kachar describes being able to hear a pin drop from across a room: the sound wave from the pin dropping produces an increase in pressure within the fluid contained in the inner ear, resulting in a shear force that presses the stereocilia against each other. The stereocilia then convert this mechanical movement into electrical signals, which are sent to the brain—all within a matter of milliseconds
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