Seaweed harvest - - 1546557

(c) Jonathan Wilkins, CC BY-SA 2.0

640 x 480 Pixel (73542 Bytes)
Seaweed harvest. I was lucky to catch this image of a lorry loaded with seaweed destined for the factory at Kilkieran 1442400. The lorry had parked up while the driver was ferried back to collect the companion wagon with its hydraulic grab used to pick up the baled seaweed (Knotted wrack - Ascophyllum nodosum) from collecting points such as 1432632. Several tens of thousands of tons of seaweed are collected annually, but the low density of the wet seaweed means that a high cage is added to the tipper body to ensure an economic payload. The lorry is a Hino, built in Japan.
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(c) Jonathan Wilkins, CC BY-SA 2.0
(c) Lairich Rig, CC BY-SA 2.0
(c) Eric Gaba (Wikimedia Commons user Sting), CC BY-SA 3.0

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