Rolls royce dart turboprop
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First introduced in 1948, the Rolls-Royce Dart turboprop combined the power of jet propulsion with the efficiency of propellers. It was widely used in the first generation of turboprop-powered aircraft, including the British Vickers Viscount and the Dutch Fokker F-27. The Dart enabled these and the other new airliners to lower airline operating costs and bring greater speed and comfort to passengers traveling on short-to-medium length routes.
Type: Turboprop, 2-stage centrifugal flow compressor, 7 combustion chambers, 3-stage axial flow turbine.
Power: 1,815 ehp at 15,000 rpm
Weight: 567 kg (1,250 lb)
Specific fuel consumption: 0.317 kg/ehp/hr (0.700 lb/ehp/hr)
Manufacturer: Rolls-Royce Ltd., Derby, England, ca. 1970
Picture taken at the "National Air and Space Museum", Washington D.C, USA
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