RS Ophiuchi
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Radio map and VLTI measurements of the outburst of the binary system RS Ophiuchi. The characteristics dimensions measured with AMBER on the VLT Interferometer are shown as the blue, yellow and red lines - corresponding to different wavelengths. They are overplotted on a radio map of the same object obtained with the VLBA by O'Brien and colleagues. The VLTI data were obtained 5.5 days after the outburst, while the radio observations were done 13.8 days after the outburst. Clearly the material released by the outburst has been expanding.
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RS OphiuchiRS Ophiuchi ist eine rekurrierende (wiederkehrende) Nova im Sternbild Schlangenträger. In den normalen Phasen hat sie eine scheinbare Helligkeit von 12,5 mag. In den Jahren 1898, 1933, 1958, 1967, 1985, 2006 und August 2021 erfolgten Helligkeitausbrüche bis auf 4,5 mag. .. weiterlesen