Pyogenic granuloma on a finger-1

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A pyogenic granuloma situated on the dorsal surface of an index finger. It is a solitary papule of inflamed vascular granulation tissue. Pyogenic granulomas can grow over a few weeks from a break in the skin - after a cut or deep graze. They generally occur on the fingers, lips, mouth, trunk, and toes. On the palms and soles they have a typical collar of thickened stratum corneum at the base, which is evident here. These lesions are fragile and tend to bleed after minor trauma. They have variable appearances - they may have a smooth surface or may be covered with a crust or exudate; they may appear bright red, dusky red, violaceous, or brown black in color. After treatment to disrupt the growing granulation tissue they can be expected to heal after 1-3 weeks depending on their initial size. The ruler has hash marks at millimeter intervals.
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