President Lyndon B. Johnson's boyhood home in Johnson City, Texas LCCN2014633827
7360 x 4912 Pixel (12984226 Bytes)
Title: President Lyndon B. Johnson's boyhood home in Johnson City, Texas
Physical description: 1 photograph : digital, tiff file, color.
Notes: Title, date, and keywords based on information provided by the photographer.; Gift; The Lyda Hill Foundation; 2014; (DLC/PP-2014:054).; Johnson's family moved from a farm near Stonewall, Texas, now known as the LBJ Ranch, to Johnson City (a distance of about fourteen miles) two weeks after his fifth birthday, in September 1913. For most of the next twenty-four years, this was their home. In 1913, the family included Lyndon's father, Sam Ealy Johnson, Jr.; his mother, Rebekah Baines Johnson; young Lyndon; and his sisters, Rebekah and Josefa. Over the years, two more children were born in this house - Lucia and Sam Houston Johnson.; Forms part of: Lyda Hill Texas Collection of Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America Project in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive.; Credit line: The Lyda Hill Texas Collection of Photographs in Carol M. Highsmith's America Project, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
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