William Fullerton of Rosemount, EIC Surgeon in Patna, and Mayor of Calcutta, receiving a visitor, attended by servants with fly-whisks (chauri), 1764.

Dip Chand (artist)
2094 x 2500 Pixel (1279874 Bytes)
The pictures made by Indian artists for the British in India are called Company paintings. Picture labelled "W.F. 1764", and believed to depict William Fullerton of Rosemount, who joined the East India Company's service in 1744 and was second surgeon in Calcutta in 1751. He was present at the siege of Calcutta in 1756 and became mayor of Calcutta in 1757. In 1763 Fullerton became a surgeon to the Patna Agency. He was the only Englishman to survive the massacre of the English during the war with Mir Kasim of Murshidabad. An excellent linguist, he clearly mixed with Indians more than was common and had one or more Indian bibis (mistresses). Depicted receiving a visitor, and attended by servants with fly-whisks.
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