Population Changes in Iceland 1911-2011

Pawel Bartoszek (pabamap)
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Population Changes in Iceland 1911-2011

The Urbanization of Iceland throughout the years 1911-2011. The growing circle in the South-West corner of the map represents the capital area. Blue circles symbolize the years where the population of a region increases, wherease red symbolize years with population reduction. The data is taken and compiled from www.hagstofa.is, the Statistical Office of Iceland. The corresponding numbers can be found in the following Excel sheet: http://pabamapa.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/popice_pbmp.xlsx

The raw data for 1911 goes like this:

  • Capital Area:15469
  • Reykjanes:2541
  • West Iceland:10351
  • Western Fjords:13169
  • North-West: 9103
  • North-East: 11911
  • East: 9617
  • South: 13500.

The underlying map can be found at File:Regions_of_Iceland.png.

Pawel Bartoszek

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