Museo Ferroviario de Catalunya - 49660124711

Juan Enrique Gilardi
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The first generation of electric locomotives dates back to the end of the 20's and comes from Switzerland. Its size and features make it a mixed-traffic locomotive. The 7200 towed the passenger trains on the Madrid-Basque Country line, electrified to 1500 V, although it had begun to be replaced by new locomotives since the end of the 60's. The application of electric power to railway is something the railway companies had been interested in since the last century. Its energetic exploitation is very high; it is cheap and very dean, as one can check when looking at the current trains. Though some engines were constructed, the first applications did not turn out to be completely satisfactory. During the first decades of the century the electric traction developed slowly. Switzerland was the most experienced country in the building and use of electric locomotives.
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