Mitsubishi MH-2000A JA21ME (46820243605)

Alan Wilson from Peterborough, Cambs, UK
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c/n 1004 Built 1999 The MH-2000 was Japans first Indigenous helicopter type and was produced by Mitsubishi for the 7-12 seat utility market. The type first flew in 1996 but was grounded after the fatal crash of the prototype in November 2000. The accident was caused by tail rotor separation and the remaining aircraft were modified accordingly and were then designated as MH-2000A. Only eight were produced in total with only six completed and three being delivered to customers. This example was used by the National Aerospace Laboratory between March 2000 & October 2003 but is now preserved in the Aichi Museum of Flight Nagoya Komakai Airport Aichi Prefecture, Japan

13th March 2019
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