Medium girder bridge of South Korean Army on March 6, 2008

Petty Officer 2nd Class Nancy Dibenedetto
4288 x 2848 Pixel (1755305 Bytes)
A Republic of Korea (ROK) soldier, from 11-75th Bridge Seoul Construction Company, signals for two vehicles to pass over a newly-constructed medium girder bridge on March 6, 2008. U.S. Navy Seabees from Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 5, based out of Port Hueneme, Calif., and their South Korean counterparts participated in a bilateral, bridge-building demonstration, which showed the versatility of both the medium girder bridge and U.S./ROK teamwork. Both countries are taking part in Exercise Key Resolve/Foal Eagle 2008, an annual combined/joint exercise involving forces from both the U.S. and Republic of Korea (ROK). This exercise provides training to further enhance interoperability and combat readiness, while also demonstrating both countries' commitment to the ROK/US alliance.
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