Louise Brooks Stars of the Photoplay

Photoplay Magazine Chicago
310 x 410 Pixel (27937 Bytes)
A publicity photo of Louise Brooks published in Stars of the Photoplay: Art Portraits of Famous Film Favorites with Short Biographical Sketches (1930). The accompanying description reads:

"It was as a dancer with Ruth St. Denis and in the George White's 'Scandals' that Louise Brooks first came to the attention of the public. She was born in Wichita Kansas, in 1909, and entered pictures with Paramount in 1925. With the advent of the talkies, Louise went to Germany to make pictures, returning later to this country. She is 5 feet 2 inches tall, weighs 120 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. She was married to Director Eddie Sutherland in 1926 and divorced from him in 1928."

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✓[OK] Public domain (verified) as the U.S. copyright on the book was not renewed. See http://www.copyright.gov/records/

  • You can verify the publication of this photograph in the 1930 magazine by viewing these images: Blogspot, eMoviePoster or Miscman
  • Additional licencing information: [1] and [2]
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