Litija-steam locomotive JZ 50-060

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Standard gauge steam locomotive JŽ 50-060 (formerly MÁV 376,227 and SHS 376.227) at the railway station in Litija, Slovenia.

Length: 9.8 m, weight: 45 t, power: 330 kW (450 HP), max. speed: 45 km/h, axle load: 9 t, capacity of coal: 2 t, capacity of water: 5 m³.

The locomotive was produced in 1912 by Magyar Államvasutak Gépgyára Budapest, serial number: 2806. Its initial label was MÁV 376.227. The locomotive was designed to pull trains on local lines and to reach the same speed in both directions (which was impossible at majority of steam locomotives). Till 1970 it was used in Bjelovar area, then it arrived to Zagorje ob Savi and was used to shunt coal from the mine.In 1987 it was handed over to the railway museum in Ljubljana. In 1989 it was renovated at the Ljubljana - Šiška Central workshops and exhibited in Litija. In 2000, the Litija municipality funded its repainting.

Pospichal Lokstatistik. About the class 50. More photos.
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