Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus - 4

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Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Nikolaus – Catholic parish church of St. Nicholas (Protestant until 1908), plastered rectangular hall with a hipped roof, fragments of the chapel mentioned in 1351 have been preserved in the lower part of the tower on the south side, 1774-1776 according to plans by Johann Friedrich Weyhing, employee of the Karlsruhe building inspector Jeremias Müller, as Protestant preaching church built, complete renovation of the church 1971-1976, at that time the last of the original three galleries removed, inside the gravestone of the heart burial of Reinhard von Rüppurr, Bishop of Worms (d. 1533, tomb in Worms Cathedral), baptismal font, around 1700 on the outer wall of the church hall the weathered grave slab of Philipp Jakob von Rüppurr (d. 1582), the St. Nicholas window was made in Berlin in 1948, furnishings (altar, ambo, tabernacle, rosette, cross, candlestick, Easter candlestick) by Gudrun Schreiner, memorial plaques for the fallen of the Second World War, copper plates, 1950.
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