
1024 x 1206 Pixel (339639 Bytes)
Bidet of a Japanese toilet in operation.

The toilet is located in the Asahikawa Grand Hotel in Asahikawa, Japan. For the related control panel see JapaneseToiletControlPanel.jpg for details. The toilet has a pressure sensor in the seat and stops operating within a second if the pressure is taken off, so this was a tricky shot (pressing down the seat base by hand and removing the hand just in time for the picture. And, boy did I make a mess on the floor until I figured out to put the trashcan underneath). The picture shows the water jet for cleaning the vulva, with the pressure set to medium. The same nozzle uses different openings at a higher pressure (with the same setting of the pressure control) for cleaning the anus.

For flushing of the toilet the handle to the left behind the lid is used. The Kanji 大 (ookii, meaning big) refers to a large flush after rotating the handle to the left for large size waste (大便, daiben, meaning feces). The kanji 小 (chiisai, meaning small) refers to a small flush after rotating the handle to the right for small size waste (小便. shonben or shouben, meaning urine).
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