James L Autry House on Courtlandt Place in Houston, Texas

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The James L. Autry House is on Courtlandt Place, in Houston. Courtlandt Place is a small gated community comprised of a single one block long private street near Downtown Houston. It was originally created for and populated by Houston's elite. A total of 18 mansion-like homes line the two sides of the street. Virtually every home has a historical marker and eleven of the 18 homes are on the National Register of Historic Places. Mississippi native James L. Autry moved to Corsicana in 1876. There he studied law and held civic offices at the time of the first oil discoveries in Texas. He was chief counsel for the Texas Co. (later Texaco) and a pioneer in the new field of petroleum law. Autry commissioned Sanguinet and Staats to design this home, which was constructed in 1912. The Neoclassical design features a double balustraded gallery and large fluted Doric columns. Also prominent are a porte-cochère (right), fernery (sunroom), and a hipped Lodovico tile roof. The rear garage has upstairs servants quarters.
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