JZ 25-002 in Celje

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Normal gauge steam locomotive JŽ 25-002 (formerly SHS 270.202) at the train station in Celje, Slovenia.

No information sheet available (yet), technical data from here: Length: 17,350 mm, height: 4,650 mm, weight: 78.2 t, diameter of driven wheels: 1,300 mm, max. speed: 60 km/h, diameter of steam cylinders: 570 mm, lattice surface: 3.87m², evaporating surface: 178.27 m², valve gear: Heusinger, steam pressure of the boiler: 13 bar, axle load: 13.5 t, characteristics: 1Dh2

The locomotive was produced in 1922 by Actien - Gesselschaft der Lokomotiv-Fabrik vorm. G. Sigl in Wiener Neustadt, serial nr.: 5721. Locomotives of this class were mostly used on the section between Zidani Most and Maribor. Initially, this locomotive was also in use on this section, later it was also used onsections Celje - Preloge, Celje - Velenje and Celje - Imeno - Kumrovec. It pulled mostly freight trains. It was withdrawn in 1978. In 1989 it was exhibited in Celje and renovated in 1995. Pospichal Lokstatistik. About the class 25. More info (in Slovenian only). Brochure of the Railways and Rail Exhibits Fan Club Celje: English and German. More photos: 1.
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