Hearing of Dubravka Šuica (Croatia) - Democracy and demography (48838221291) (cropped)

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Before the European Parliament can vote the new European Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen into office, parliamentary committees will assess the suitability of commissioners-designate.

On 23-26 May, more than 200,000,000 people in 28 EU countries went to the polls to elect members of the European Parliament, giving them a strong democratic mandate, including voting into office the new European Commission and examining the competencies and abilities of its commissioners-designate. Elected members of the European Parliament will also listen to their ideas and will assess their willingness to take concrete actions on the issues that Europeans care about.

Each candidate commissioner is invited for a live-streamed, three-hour hearing in front of the committee or committees responsible for their proposed portfolio. The hearings will take place between Monday 30 September and Tuesday 8 October.

<a href="http://epinsta.eu/EPhearings2019" rel="noreferrer nofollow">epinsta.eu/EPhearings2019</a>

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Dubravka Šuica

Dubravka Šuica ist eine kroatische Politikerin der Partei HDZ. Sie war von 2001 bis 2009 Bürgermeisterin von Dubrovnik. Vom 1. Juli 2013 bis zum 30. November 2019 gehörte sie dem Europäischen Parlament an. Seit dem 1. Dezember 2019 ist sie Vizepräsidentin der EU-Kommission und Kommissarin mit der Amtsbezeichnung Neuer Schwung für die Europäische Demokratie. .. weiterlesen