Gebel Kamil - Aerodynamic Meteorite Flange (49796097546)

Steve Jurvetson from Los Altos, USA
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Gebel Kamil meteorite. Iron, ungrouped (one of 131 with this classification). East Uweinat Desert, Egypt, 2009.

In 2008, during a canvassing of the Egyptian deserts through the use of imagery from Google Earth, an unusual crater aroused great interest among scientists. In 2009, an Italian-Egyptian geophysical team went to the site and discovered that not only was this indeed an impact crater, but they discovered meteorites as well. The age of the crater was determined to be approximately 5,000 years old. Named after the locality by a panel of scientists, Gebel Kamil has an unusual crystalline structure.

The shorn shape of this meteorite evidences it having been ripped apart from its parent mass during a low altitude explosion. Also in evidence is the characteristic stippling seen on other Gebel Kamil specimens. As <a href=" table&code=52031" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Gebel Kamil</a> is an unusual Meteorite geochemically, it has received a sought-after "ungrouped" imprimatur in scientific literature.

Overall Measurements: 5.9 x 3.1 x 2.2 inches (15.1 x 8.0 x 5.5 cm), weighs 1.693 kg (3 lbs., 73 oz.)
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