Freedom House world map 2005
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The Map of Freedom reflects the findings of
Freedom House's 2006 survey
Freedom in the World (PDF). Freedom in the World monitors the gains and losses for political rights and civil liberties in 192 nations and 18 related and disputed territories. For each country, the survey provides a concise report on political and human rights developments, along with ratings of political rights and civil liberties. Countries are divided into three categories:
Free (green),
Partly Free (orange), and
Not Free (red), as reflected in the Map of Freedom.
In Free countries, citizens enjoy a high degree of political and civil freedom. Partly Free countries are characterized by some restrictions on political rights and civil liberties, often in a context of corruption, weak rule of law, ethnic strife, or civil war. In Not Free countries, the political process is tightly controlled and basic freedoms are denied.
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Wahlen 2005
Die hier unvollständig aufgelisteten Wahlen und Referenden fanden im Jahr 2005 statt oder waren für das angegebene Datum vorgesehen. „Direktwahl“, „Referendum“ oder „Volksbegehren“ bedeutet eine Wahl durch alle wahlberechtigten Einwohner eines Landes oder einer Region.
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