Flag of the Branch Davidians

Bambobee, originally uploaded by Hoshie
900 x 600 Pixel (6952 Bytes)
This is a reconstruction of the flag that was flown by the Branch Davidians at the Mount Carmel Center compound, during the Waco siege in 1993. The flag depicted a six-winged serpent (which resembled a Star of David when viewed afar) flying over the Seven seals.
The flag was made with satin according to a discussion between Matthew Whitmer and a survivor of the Waco siege, Kathy Jones. The serpent on the flag was made of a reflective silver material.
The reconstruction of this flag is based on a reconstruction by Matthew Whitmer, a PDF containing several close-up photographs of the compound which has a photograph showing the flag near the compound, and archived footage of the siege that has a clip of the flag waving in front of the compound. Approximations of the flag's colors are below.
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(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-00015 / Georg Pahl / CC-BY-SA 3.0
(c) Ailura, CC BY-SA 3.0 AT
(c) Georges Biard, CC BY-SA 3.0

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