
ICTV: Jancovich, J.K., Chinchar, V.G., Hyatt, A., Miyazaki, T., Williams, T., Zhang, Q.Y. — Original authors: Yan et al.
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549 x 826 Pixel (573453 Bytes)
Three-dimensional reconstruction of an Invertebrate iridescent virus 6 (IIV-6, genus Iridovirus) particle at a resolution of 1.3 nm. (A) 3-D density map of particle viewed along an icosahedral two-fold axis. The external fringe of filaments has been blurred away due to their varying position in relation to the symmetry of the capsid. (B) Central cross-section, one pixel thick. A lipid bilayer follows the inner contour and icosahedral symmetry of the capsid shell whereas the core appears to lack any structures that are arranged following icosahedral symmetry. (C) Magnified view of the central region outlined in (A). The diagonal white line indicates the cleavage plane between adjacent trisymmetrons. (D) Magnified view of the propeller-like pentamer complex at the five-fold vertex. This complex differs from the trimeric capsomers in that it is larger, has a small axial hole, and lacks an external fibre. (E) Magnified view of boxed region in (B) showing transverse section of the pentamer complex and adjacent trisymmetrons. (F) Same as (E) but with the pentamer complex, three capsomers, and their fibres individually outlined. (G) Transmembrane anchor proteins beneath the pentasymmetrons showing two sticklike entities. The longer of the two (long arrow) crosses both leaflets of the bilayer, whereas the other (short arrow) stops at the outer leaflet of the internal lipid membrane. (From Yan et al. (2009). J. Mol. Biol., 385, 1287–1299; with permission.)
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Iridovirus ist eine Gattung von Riesenviren aus der Familie der Iridoviridae, Unterfamilie Betairidovirinae. Die natürlichen Wirte von Iridovirus sind Insekten. .. weiterlesen