Every boy's book of railways and steamships (1911) (14758714672)
Identifier: everyboysbookofr00prot (find matches)
Title: Every boy's book of railways and steamships
Year: 1911 (1910s)
Authors: Protheroe, Ernest
Subjects: Railroads Steamboats
Publisher: London : Religious Tract Society
Contributing Library: Boston College Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries
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e on a largescale. Their first screw vessel was built in 1851,and thereafter no more paddle steamers were floatedexcept a few required for special purposes. Severalof the Companys larger vessels are under engage-ment as Admiralty transports, and their boats haveoften been called upon for transport work from thedays of the Crimea onwards. Every year the P.& 0. fleets mileage totals up to about 3,000,000miles ; its coal consumption is about 700,000 tons;and it pays in dues to the Suez Canal a sum farexceeding £300,000. The best idea of the P. & 0. operations isgained by a brief glance at their route map. FromEngland we go through the Mediterranean vidGibraltar and Malta to Port Said, with side linesfrom Marseilles and Brindisi, and then through theEed Sea to Aden, from whence there are straightruns to Bombay or to Colombo. From the lastnamed there are three routes, viz. a short one toCalcutta, a second through the straits to Singapore,Hong-Kong, and Shanghai in China, and on to
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FAR EAST AND AUSTRALASIA 309 Yokohama in Japan, and a third from Colomboto Perth in Western Australia, and thence toAdelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney. Calcutta is8438 miles from England, Yokohama 11,956 miles,and Sydney 12,500 miles. The eight largest P. & 0. vessels are— Name. Length. Beam. Depth. Tonnage. Maloja 550 63 39 12,500 Medina ... 550 63 39 12,500 Mantua ... 540 61 25 10,883 Malwa ... 540 61 25 10,883 Morea 540 61 25 10,890 Marmora ... 530 60 26 10,509 Macedonia 530 60 26 10,512 Moldavia... 520 58 25 9,500 The **Mantua, sister to the Malwa and Morea, is a twin screw, and forms one of tensimilar steamers known as the M class. Herpassenger accommodation is entirely situated on orabove the main deck, so that ports rarely requireto be closed on account of weather. The promenadeand shelter decks are of wide area, and affordplenty of space for deck games, dances, andother recreations. This vessel is, for a portion ofthe year, employed in pleasure cruises to Madeiraand the Azo
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Morea (Schiff)Die Morea war ein 1908 in Dienst gestelltes Passagierschiff der britischen Reederei Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O), das im Passagier- und Postverkehr von Großbritannien nach Indien und Australien eingesetzt wurde. Die Morea diente im Ersten Weltkrieg sowohl als Truppentransporter als auch als Hospitalschiff. Die Morea wurde 1930 außer Dienst gestellt und in Japan verschrottet. .. weiterlesen