Es Safa Volcanic Field, Syria

ISS Expedition 24 crew
4288 x 2850 Pixel (4622734 Bytes)
Es Safa Volcanic Field — Es Safa is a striking basaltic volcanic field located to the south-east of Damascus, western Syria.
  • Es Safa contains numerous vents that have been active during the Holocene Epoch (beginning approximately 12,000 years ago). The most recent recorded activity was a boiling lava lake observed in the area around 1850.
  • The dark lava flow field (centre) likely represents the latest activity of the volcanic field, and is emplaced over older, lighter coloured flows. The older flow surfaces also have light tan sediment accumulating in shallow depressions, in contrast to the relatively pristine surfaces of the darker, younger flows.
  • Cinder cones are scattered throughout the Es Safa field, but many are aligned along north-west south-east trends that likely indicate faults through which magma rose to the surface. Two such alignments are visible at image left.
  • To the south-east (image right) a small reservoir feeds water distribution ditches extending northwards.
Public domain
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