ErmitaRupestreSanVicente CerveraPisuerga 001
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Rock Chapel of Saint Vincent in Vado, Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia, Castile and León). Located close to the confluence of river Rivera with the Pisuerga and falls within one of the greatest Spanish eremitic groups, the one of High Pisuerga. Basically presents a large rectangular Hall with several inputs and crude vain, to which is added a chapel excavated in the East, differentiated from the rest by a step that may have been closed using a masonry apse. The Hermitage is surrounded by a necropolis, dated between the 8th and 11th centuries, which have been discovered tombs excavated in the rock twenty predominating of anthropomorphic type. The Hermitage and the necropolis probably formed part of a small monastic complex that would possess other buildings today disappeared, as well as excavated in the rock (lauras) cells that still remain. Missing the monastic community, St. Vincent retained its role as the chapel until the middle of the 19th century leaves permanently.
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