Derailed sawmill boiler on Piha tramway

Ernest Gilling (photographer)
800 x 635 Pixel (290321 Bytes)
The kind of problem which faces the New Zealand bushman: taking out a sawmill boiler at Piha on the Auckland West Coast.

Close-up view of a mill boiler on the Piha Tramway, derailed with the top set of bogie wheels just slightly off the wooden tram-rails, showing also the pulley and cable system being used for hauling the boiler over the hill from Karekare to Piha.

Text from Auckland Weekly News, 29 December 1910: "The establishment of a sawmill in the Kerikeri [Karekare] Bush has proved to be a matter of the utmost diffulty. All the plant has to be hauled up a bush tramway which in several places has a grade of one in one or, in other words, a slope of 45 degrees. The negotiation of a 10-ton boiler over such a track is a matter of not a little difficulty, and it says a great deal for the perseverance and ingenuity of the New Zealand bushman that the problem was recently solved, and the raising of the boiler effected without any more serious mishap than an occasional slight derailment, such as that shown in this photograph. There is over a mile of tramway - which is the steepest line in existence in any part of the world - so that the job naturally occupied several days."

See also article in: West of Eden, Journal of the West Auckland Historical Society, Issue 2, p.14-21 (Jan 2009).

File Created by: New Zealand Micrographic Services Ltd. on behalf of Waitakere Library & Information Services, 2008
Public domain
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