DEM and main volcanic features of SVVC Linde et al (2017) Sci Rep 7-8434 fig 1

Niklas Linde, Tullio Ricci, Ludovic Baron, Alexis Shakas, Giovanna Berrino
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Original figure caption: The main volcanic features of the SVVC [i.e. Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex] with geographical names and topography produced from a digital elevation model […]. Dashed lines refer to sectors of inferred plinian calderas that would have been removed by subsequent caldera forming events. […]
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Figure 1 in: The 3-D structure of the Somma-Vesuvius volcanic complex (Italy) inferred from new and historic gravimetric data. Scientific Reports 7:8434, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07496-y
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