Boteti River, Botswana
The river follows a long series of hairpin curves. On the outer loops of some curves, the river overflows onto nearby floodplains. Two such overflows are obvious near the centre of the image. In the east, another area of overflow takes the approximate shape of a boot. Here the water has probably flowed onto agricultural fields, and the water’s spread may be constrained by a nearby road.
Near the lower right corner of the image, the Boteti River terminates. Upstream from this endpoint, the river is particularly thin. The water supply may still be insufficient to drive the Boteti onward into the nearby saltpans. According to Frank Eckhardt of the University of Cape Town, the presence of any water in the river valley was unusual by 2010, and some observers thought the Boteti was a dead river. Naturalist blogs reported that the Boteti held some water in September 2009, but according to Eckardt, its last major flood occurred in 1991.
Outside of the river valley, the dry season has parched the landscape. Nearby river valleys, floodplains, and salt lakes appear in tones of beige and brown.Relevante Bilder
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BotetiDer Boteti ist ein Fluss in Botswana. Er ist ein endorheischer Fluss und der längste Mündungsfluss des Okavango. .. weiterlesen