Aksaray Ulu Cami 3097
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Ulu Cami stands for Great Mosque. A notice indicates this was built in the 12th century during the reign of the Seljuk sultans Mesud I and Kiliçarslan II. In the 15th century it was built anew by the Karamanoĝlu Mehmed Bey. During Ottoman times and during the republic repairs were executed. The Turkish Vikipedi has 1408-09 for the 15th century building, and mentions a Mehmet Firuz Bey as its architect. It claims that Mehmed Bey’s son Ibrahim executed repairs in 1482-1483, and states the minaret dates from 1925. And further, Its plan is rectangular. The entrance is shifted to the west, arranged as an iwan, at the north side of the building there is a 2-storey arrangement. The tapering of the arches in the interior is gothic effect. The altar is plaster material. The dominant material in the structure is cut stone. It contains a minber which in itself is a work of art and very old, dating from the 12th century.
The notice at the minber indicates it dates from during the reign of Kiliçarslan II (1116-1156), and was designed by architect Hoca Nuştekin Cemali.
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