
War Office, UK.
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Diagram of British Mk IV 6 inch Common Lyddite shell.
This is an example of the early geneneration of British high explosive shell designs, with shell walls the same thickness for the entire length. Later designs had walls progressively thinner fron base to nose, providing room for more explosive - compare Image:BL6inchMkVIILydditeShell.jpg.
The shell is fitted with No. 5 Broad Vavasseur driving band with gas check (Original).
Filled with 10 lb 6 oz Lyddite. Total weight filled & fuzed 101 lb 2 drams.
Length 20.57 inches.
For use with following guns :

Kommentar zur Lizenz:
Crown Copyright expired (50 years)
Public domain
Plate XXXIV & Pages 208, 219 in "Treatise on Ammunition" 10th Edition 1915.
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