62-119 in Dobova

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Standard gauge steam locomotive 62-119, at the moment of photographing at the Central Workshops near the railway station in Dobova, Slovenia.

For technical information, see its "sister" 62-360 in Sevnica: File:62-360 in Sevnica.jpg.

The locomotive was produced in 1957 by Đuro Đaković in Slavonski Brod, serial nr. 627. Locomotives of class 62 from Đuro Đaković are based on a slightly modified design of its predecessors of the same class that arrived from the USA to Yugoslavia via the UNRRA program. This locomotive shunted in the Talum aluminium works (previously TGA, standing for "Tovarna glinice in aluminija") in Kidričevo. On November 7 2009, it arrived from Kidričevo to Dobova to be renovated. On 11 June 2010 it was exhibited at its current location in front of the BGS factory in Dobova (see File:Dobova-steam locomotive 62-119.jpg for its current state). Pospichal Lokstatistik. About the class 62 (in Slovenian only). More photos.
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