62-070 in Zagorje ob Savi

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Standard gauge steam locomotive near the Spar shopping centre (site of the former coal separation) in Zagorje ob Savi, Slovenia.

Power: 280 kW (380 HP), weight: 48 t, max. speed: 45 km/h, length: 9 m, axle load: 16 t, capacity of coal: 2.6 t, capacity of water: 5.5 m³. For other technical data, see File:62-037 in Krmelj.jpg.

The locomotive was produced by the Vulcan (USA) in 1944 and was deliverd to Yugoslavia via the UNRRA program. It was and still is owned by the Zagorje coal mine. Till 1991 it delivered coal from the separation to the Zagorje train station (approx. 5 km away). In 1999 it was restored by the Slovenian Railways Central Workshops. Pospichal Lokstatistik. About the class 62. More photos.
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