2w0c capsid

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The assembled capsid of bacteriophage PM2, composed of the major capsid proteins P2 and P3. P2 possesses a canonical double jelly roll fold; here the two distinct jelly roll domains are colored red and blue, with the remainder of the proteins shown in white. The topology and connectivity in each jelly roll is identical to that illustrated in File:4oq9 chainA jellyroll.png. The component pseudohexameric P2 trimers are illustrated in File:2w0c_trimer.png and the individual P2 monomers in File:2w0c_monomer.png.

Rendered from PDB ID 2W0C:

Abrescia NG, Grimes JM, Kivelä HM, Assenberg R, Sutton GC, Butcher SJ, Bamford JK, Bamford DH, Stuart DI. Insights into virus evolution and membrane biogenesis from the structure of the marine lipid-containing bacteriophage PM2. Molecular cell. 2008 Sep 5;31(5):749-61. DOI 10.1016/j.molcel.2008.06.026.
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