Yvonne Calment

Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
1521 x 2174 Pixel (1632844 Bytes)
Yvonne Calment (1898-1934), daughter of Jeanne Calment (1875-1997), the world's oldest woman.
She is standing in the courtyard of the cloister of Saint Trophime (Arles), in front of the South gallery (see photo), near the number 90 from the cloister map.
Public domain

Photo Gallery of Madame Jeanne-Louise Calment (1875 - 1997) on the Gerontology Research Group webpage.
When this photo was uploaded to Wikimedia the sources did not agree on whether it represented Jeanne Calment or her daughter Yvonne:

  • This photo was initially identified on Wikipedia and Wikimedia as Jeanne Calment and not her daughter Yvonne because the Internet source of this photo, the Gerontology Research Group, initially identified it as Jeanne Calment, supposedly at age 22 years old, before changing in 2018 its legend to Yvonne Calment (between August 19th 2018, see the webarchive, and November 23rd 2018, see the webarchive).
  • She was however already identified as Yvonne Calment when this photo was published in 1995, in the book Jeanne Calment : La passion de vivre by Gabriel Simonoff (book notice (in French)), see the the picture of its page containing the photo with the legend "Yvonne, la fille de Jeanne Calment" ("Yvonne, the daughter of Jeanne Calment") in the blog article J’Accuse…! Why Jeanne Calment’s 122-year old longevity record may be fake.
  • In 2018, together with the reproduction of an archive article from 01/07/1988 (while Jeanne Calment was alive), the Paris Match online magazine published this photo as "Jeanne Calment, then 22 years old, in 1897" ("Jeanne Calment, alors âgée de 22 ans, en 1897"), see the article from Paris Match (the photo was later removed) although the original paper article published it as being Yvonne Calment.
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Jeanne Calment

Jeanne Louise Calment war eine französische Altersrekordlerin. Sie hält seit 1990 den Rekord des höchsten erreichten Lebensalters eines Menschen. Sie war der erste Mensch, der erwiesenermaßen sein 116. sowie die jeweils darauf folgenden Lebensjahre bis einschließlich des 122. vollendete. .. weiterlesen