Yoav Gelber September 2021 02 (cropped)
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Yoav Gelber is a professor of history at the University of Haifa, and was formerly a visiting professor at The University of Texas at Austin.
He was born in Mandatory Palestine in 1943 and studied world and Jewish history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is an expert on the history of the Israel Defense Forces. Yoav Gelber is also known to have been a vocal opponent of Ilan Pappé when the latter was employed by the University of Haifa.
In 1973 Gelber served as the academic and military assistant to the Agranat Commission, and in 1982 participated in the official inquiry into the 1933 death of Haim Arlosoroff.
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Yoav GelberYoav Gelber ist ein israelischer Offizier (Oberstleutnant) und Militärhistoriker an der Universität Haifa. .. weiterlesen