Xu at the 2014 Asian Games Men's 4×100 m medley award ceremony
English: Korea.net / Korean Culture and Information Service (Jeon Han)
Français : Korea.net / Service coréen de culture et d'information (Jeon Han)
한국어: 코리아넷 / 해외문화홍보원 (전한)
Русский: Korea.net / Корейская Культурно-Информационная Служба (Чон Хан)
中文(简体): Korea.net/大韩民国海外文化宣传院(摄影:全汉)
中文(繁體): Korea.net/大韓民國海外文化宣傳院(攝影:全漢)September 26, 2014
Munhak Park Tae-hwan Aquatics Center, Incheon-si
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korean Culture and Information Service Korea.net (www.korea.net)Official Photographer : Jeon HanThis official Republic of Korea photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way. Also, it may not be used in any type of commercial, advertisement, product or promotion that in any way suggests approval or endorsement from the government of the Republic of Korea. If you require a photograph without a watermark, please contact us via Flickr e-mail.
2014 인천 아시아경기대회 개막식
경영 남자 혼계영 4 x 100m 결승전
문학박태환수영장, 인천시
문화체육관광부 해외문화홍보원 코리아넷
전한Relevante Bilder
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